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Outcome 3

Implements a cycle of quantitative and qualitative research that leads to improved technology integration and teacher adoption.

Course Referenced: DMET 580 Action Research Design



The project that best shows my understanding of Outcome 3 is my research proposal.  


To create this research proposal, I was required to look at the need for research, pinpoint a specific research question as well as secondary questions, consider a variety of methodologies, and determine a plan to carry out research.  This included both quantitavie and qualitative data.  The purpose of the project was to examine the effectiveness of Moodle in the music classroom in order to promote its use during the learning process.  


By learning how to design research, I was able to demonstrate how to effectively promote the use of technology integration in the classroom.  






This project helped me understand the intricacies of research development, and how to best design research in order to help the promotion of technology integration in the music classroom.  It made me think critically about how students learn, and gave me a greater understanding about using Moodle when teaching music.  

Research Proposal

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