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Outcome 4

Models critical and creative thinking skills in all areas of his or her professional life.



In my Multimedia I and Multimedia II classes, we had to create projects that used both critical and creative thinking skills in order to maximimize the attentiveness of learners.  In both of these classes, we had to learn how to minipulate images, take video, edit video, and use effective transitions.


These projects demonstrate how a visual aid during a lesson can promote learning that occurs.  It also demonstrates how the use of Adobe Captivate, Adobe Premiere, and iMovie can benefit the instructional process.  Furthermore, they will entice other educators to use these products to produce quality learning tools to use in the classroom.  


Through the creation of these projects, I learned how to design both passive and interactive videos using Adobe products.  I also learned how to effectively use Photoshop to manipulate the images used in both of these videos.  

Courses Referenced: DMET 540 Multimedia I
                     DMET 542 Multimedia II



These projects enabled me to experiement and learn how to use video in a creative way in the classroom. Before these projects, I had little to no experience or training on how to create my own videos.  These projects have certainly prepared me to look at the content I want to teach, and if necessary, create a multimedia presentation for my students to observe and interact with.  

Movie Project

Captivate Project

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