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Outcome 6

Performs as a reflective and ethical practitionar who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others.

Courses Referenced: DMET 580 Action Research Design
                     DMET 581 Action Research Implementation



In preparation for my research project, I had to complete the National Insitute of Health (NIH) assessment which informed me of the importance of respecting human subjects when conducting research.  By completing this assessment and becoming NIH certified, I demonstrated knowledge of how to protect human research participants in a study.  This will cary over into other areas of my work, making me an ethical practitioner of research.  By taking this course, I have learned to treat subjects fairly,  pay attention to the safety and well-being of participants, and to always follow professional procedures.  


In filling out my Internal Review Board (IRB) application for my research, I was asked to consider the impact my research would have on others, and what possible implications my research might have on them.  I had to have a strong understanding of ethical and moral research practices when conducting research using human participants.  In preparing for this project, I had to make sure that: a.) all participants understood that their identity would be kept anonymous, b.) that participants were able to withdraw at any time if they felt uncomfortable with any part of the study, and c.) that it was an entirely voluntary process that would not affect their employment or working relationship with myself. 


These two projects will benefit the instructional community by being more aware of how our actions impact others.  It also promotes the use of clear communication between the researcher and the participants, and provides better results in the end.  



These projects taught me that it is important to be an ethical researcher and colleague when dealing with other people.  I also learned how to make sure I adhear to the policies set in place by the IRB in order to ensure my research is being carried out in an ethical way.  I am now more conscious about how my actions affect others when making decisions.  

Ethical Research Documents

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